Sunday, September 5, 2010

Learning a Lesson....Literally!!

It's been four years since I've had to train a pup.  I figured that since I had done it three times before, it would be a daily ongoing process for me to train Callie, our newest.  Boy, was I wrong....we added Callie to our family as a "foster to adopt" rescue when she was just 5 weeks old.  It was easy then.  I knew how to crate her to protect her, how to train her to go to her "spot" outside, and how to be comfortable with being touched by a variety of different people.  She is a sweet dog so I thought I'd train her every day.  I kept saying that I was going to take her to class....but life got in the way.  Now Callie is 11 months old and although she knows the commands for sit, down and wait, she still pulls terribly on the leash and has a "selective hearing" other words, she is easily distracted.  So training has become priority.

We just started class and I find myself becoming frustrated.  It seems that Callie prefers playing to training....imagine that!  She also seems to do better training at home with her older "sister" Grace because, let's face it, Grace loves to get treats, too.  I can't seem to find a treat that interests her during class and I feel like the instructor thinks we don't practice at home.  So not only has Callie started learning lessons, but so have I.  Never postpone doesn't get you anything except frustration later on. 

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Another One Bites the Dust...

So the news is....another one bites the dust, or how Natura was swallowed up be P&G

I was minding the store this weekend and had a few conversations with clients about the new "merger" of an independent Company, Natura, with the conglomerate, Proctor and Gamble. These Natura products, known for their quality foods, may now become standard fare of the large retail stores (Petsmart and Petco, for example). Many of these were a great source of steady clientele for the independent retailers of dog and cat products up until now. In addition, it is speculated that P&G still uses live animal testing for their products...something that many of us cannot stomach.

So who wins? Certainly not the independent retail stores who strive to provide specialty food for their clients. Definitely not the dogs and cats who become research subjects for P&G. Not the consumers who have looked to Natura to provide a variety of quality products for the animals in their lives. Just P& least the way I see it...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Animal Cruelty in the Name of Free Speech-A contradiction in terms!

My heart is heavy today since the Supreme Court voided the law on animal cruelty in support of free speech....somehow violence becomes ok in the face of the constitution. I believe in the US Constitution but I also believe that it was written to allow freedom of expression to individuals, not to condone violence.  When does cruelty to animals become an acceptable practice?  What will the next step be?  Since the law apparently now allows video to capture this cruelty and disseminate it, does that make it right?  I think not.  What kind of a society have we become?

Thank you, Justice Samuel Alito, for your integrity, sensitivity and decency to uphold your conviction  in a Supreme Court that has obviously lost its way on this one.  Your dog, Zeus, certainly will never have to face the fate of so many others destined for these horrific videos in the name of "free speech".

Friday, March 19, 2010

For thought.. health care reform and veterinary health care

I just read this great blog on Fully Vetted, by Patty Khuly, DVM, about human medicine learning lessons from our veterinary colleagues. As a practicing ED doc, pet shop owner and professed dog lover, I couldn't agree more! Here was my response:

As a practicing ER doc, pet boutique owner and dog owner, I couldn't agree with you more! I recently went through the "end of life" process with my 14 yo Norwegian Elkhound. My decision to allow her to end her life in a loving environment should be the model for humans as well. Far too many times, I have seen the dwindling of human life, far beyond what we would consider "humane" for our animals, yet we persist. Thus, health care costs for humans skyrocket, creating a vicious cycle that has not yet been broken. We should stop, look and learn from our furry companions and veterinary medicine colleagues

Please chck it out and let me know your thoughts! Here's the link:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Spring Gardening Dangers for Your Dog

I've officially been bitten by the "Spring Fever" Gardening Bug....and my dogs have been outside as much as they can be during the warm weather the past few days.  So it got me thinking about dangerous, poisonous plants...since the puppy, Callie, is 6 months old and crazy about the backyard plants.  So here's a list and some resources that might be helpful for all of you dog (and Cat) owning gardeners out there!

Common Toxic Plants:

Asparagus Fern                           Animal Poison Control (888) 426-4435, 24/
Easter Lily
Elephant Ears
English Ivy
Lily of the Valley
Morning Glory

Friday, January 29, 2010

Welcome to our blog! So much has happened since the inception of Beachtails, so let me fill you in on the latest. Beachtails was established after I became a Breast Cancer survivor. While I was recuperating, my husband suggested to me that I might want to consider opening a shop since I had talked about it frequently. I guess having a brush with fate can certainly change one's we created Beachtails, and slowly looked for the right location. We settled on New Buffalo, Michigan, a quaint little town on the west coast of the lake. We searched for the perfect place...which eventually materialized as an old house on the main street. My wonderful manager, Janet, was truely a gift from my realtor, Maureen Culp. Within minutes of meeeting her, I knew she was the right person for the job. After months of renovation, we officially opened in May 2008. It's been a wonderful ride since.

Beachtails founding dogs, Zoey and Nora, have since gone to doggy heaven but remain ever present in the spirit of the shop. Zoey was my constant companion for 2+ years before I brought her daughter, Nora, home to live with us and my new husband, Milt. The "girls" loved being in Michigan...long before Beachtails existed. They really enjoyed the snow in the winter...and spent may days romping on the uninhabited beaches, climbing snowdrifts. When my children, Miguel and Maria, were born, the girls became their constant companions.

Our new shop dogs, Grace and Callie, couldn't be more different than Zoey and Nora. They are rescued pups, with all that it brings. Grace is a big girl....loving and ever pleasing, but she is definitely cautious around men. Callie, our newest addition, is a little girl....spunky and sweet and ALL puppy! They have won our hearts....